Parallel System

Synchronization System Paralleling is the synchronous operation of two or more generator sets connected together on a common bus in order to provide power to common loads as shown in figures. Electrical power generation is ranged from low voltage 400V to medium (high) voltage 13.8KV. Depending on the purpose of Power Plant, diesel generators may be operated in various configurations:
- Single generator set suppling an isolated bus,
- Multiple generator sets paralleled supplying an isolated bus,
- Multiple generator sets standby to single or multiple mains supply
- Single or multiple generator sets paralleled with mains (infinite power network)
- Single or multiple generator sets no break return with mains

Şebekeye yedek, tek jeneratör ve kesintisiz geçiş sistemi veya şebekeyle paralel çalışan tek jeneratör.Digital paralleling system
Aksa paralleling systems deliver the flexibility demanded by your complex applications. These systems deliver the features and performance you require. Aksa digital paralleling controls allow for user-friendly features, such as an active touch screen interface, trending reports and alarm and event recording.
Digital paralleling systems have eliminated most of the operational complexities of older analog system. Aksa paralleling controls advantage is that digital paralleling is an integrated function of the genset. No add-on relays, controls and hardware mean increased paralleling reliability without the cost and space requirements of added equipment. Paralleling is an integrated function of our microprocessor-based genset control modul. In addition to monitoring, protection, governing and voltage regulation functions, this single control provides paralleling control functions, including synchronizing, load sharing and paralleling protection. Aksa provide utility (mains) paralleling functions such as import/export control and var/power factor control.
Benefits from multiple paralleled generators in single-generator standby applications: